March 21,2010 The big dream of DRANHS scholar batch 2001 reunion event was happen in Forest Hill Resort. It's been long time this batch become united again. It is so greatfull feelings to see them and very proud that for been long time they achieved their dream to be united again. I know each of them have an own life and each career. The others got married, went abroad for job, others have kids, some become a teacher and working to government. The sad things I felt this event is I was not there to join them shared the smile, laughter and the memories of every one. I know not just me was not there, a lot of my scholar classmate did not attend because they are working and the others are already living in abroad. Unfortunately the president of the class was not attend also because of the unexpected deceases which cause her death. Her name is Maria Fe Siarot I can tell she is one of the good example student high school, one of a kind daughter, student and friend. She is smart, active, determine, strong, good Christian, small but really terrible one. A lot was surprised for what happen to her because back then we beleaved she achieved her goal and dream because of the capabilities and a leadership she shown when we was a high school. I realized whatever paths each one of us now everything is a God's well even though seems unclear and hard sometimes just be hold your dreams, Ask a kingdom of heaven so everything it will reveal to us. Looking for the different smile of this faces it makes me bringing back to the past. I know each of us have a different straggle in life, have different misery in life and any dramatic love life. Whatever we had I never forgot how we shared each day of the class before. I really miss how we make reports, assignment, activities, grouping competition, recitation, bonding, outing and of course the crying moments and silly things. Majority saying high school is the best stage of life now I agree about it because nothing I can compare for the 4years bonding in my life which you can experienced a new things and excitement with a mixed feelings. Like what they said everything is brand new specially the emotion straggle. It is a learning stage of life like a stairway of journey. For all my batch I miss you all and I am very proud this faces. The faces painted a lot of memories in my heart. Thank you for being a part and I hope this is not the only time we reunited again. I am looking forwards that someday we the batch 2001 scholar will be complete and reunited again. To Mary Ann Kempis thanks for organizing this is a great opportunities to see you all guys and thank you so much for the pics..... I hope me, kate and marychelle will attend next time and others was not there. MABUHAY KA DANIEL R. AGUINALDO HIGH SCHOOL. Thank you so much for the scholar sponsor................

(Comander sa tagay hahahhahha )__________>>>

The warrior three lol
Mga birador sa pagkaon hahhahaha